A 4th Placer in the 1989 Bar Examinations is the Chief Public Attorney of the Public Attorney’s Office (PAO), an agency that is mandated to give free legal assistance to indigent clients.
People often see her as a tough warrior and is willing to defend the poor’s rights being trampled by the influential and powerful. Little that we know, she is just an ordinary housewife with 2 children, who also cooks and do normal house hold chores. When she was our guest last July 29, 2012 Sunday at our program Chink + she spilled it all out. Narrating her passion to fight crime stems from her life of hardships, born from a family of poor farmers with 9 siblings. The only way she can maintain her schooling was to become a scholar all the way to college. The strong influence of her mother really made an impact in her life that molded her to be the person that she is today. She quoted the three guiding principles as if it was only taught to her yesterday.
Value of Education
“The only thing I can promise you is the gift of education” Persida’s mother told her. Education is one of the greatest equalizer, opening door of opportunities to everyone, whether rich or poor, powerful or less influential. Knowledge gives you unfair advantage and power over someone who does not know what he is talking about. Never allow the lack of education rob you the opportunity to become the person that God wanted you to be.
Learn How To Look Back
We should be reminded that we came from nothing and we can bring nothing out of this world. She was often reminded by her mother that we should not be proud of whatever thing we have achieved, since we also came from humble beginnings. Never allow money, fame or success get into our head and make us believe that we are far more important than others.
Faith In God
“Apart from God we are nothing. It is only God who can grant us the ability and the strength to become successful. Without his guidance, grace and wisdom, I will not be able to make the right decision in every case that passes through my office.” Acosta mentioned.
I really felt her sincerity, her dedication and her passion while she was narrating the reason why God put her in a place in a time like this.
“God entrusted me with this power and I need to be a good caretaker. For I want to face Him one day and I want Him to tell me, “Well done good and faithful servant, you can come home now.”
Now I know where she draws her inner strength and moral ascendency.
The source is from the foundation of her roots, knowing how to look back where she came from and the most important thing, her faith in God.
Because of this episode, many people texted, called over the phone line and send their words of appreciation on how the life of Persida has inspired them to think positive and know how to overcome challenges despite the odds. Walking out from the radio of TV 5 that day was one of my most unforgettable and surreal experience as a radio anchor for Chink +. It gives me great pleasure and honor to be entrusted by the management to handle a show that can really touch lives, inspiring them to become the best that they can be and giving hope to people who are feeling hopeless.
Thank you to Radyo 5, to my TV 5 family and most especially to God for granting me the opportunity!